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Tuesday, November 28th | 6:30 PM | West Room

We invite everyone to the Xavier Employment Support Group meeting at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, November 28th in the West Room. Whether you are working or looking for work, or you just have a question that you want help with…we look forward to seeing you. Employment Support is just that — sometimes it’s a mini clinic on cover letters or cold contacts, sometimes it’s a general discussion of a particular knotty problem someone needs advice on how to address. There’s nothing to prepare for, and we hope you will gain some insight, share some fellowship and enjoy a friendly sharing session with folks looking for support. Feel free to bring any questions or concerns you have about your work life in light of the current job market. And, maybe you could give us ideas to help us plan a few future meetings — on presentations that everyone would benefit from. Please feel free to contact us by email to krcoff5th@netzero.com with any comments, questions or ideas.

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