“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” – Lilla Watson
Welcome to the Outreach Programs of the Church of St. Francis Xavier! We hope you will find this information useful, whether you need to access services, are looking to volunteer, or want to donate to our outreach efforts. Thank you for visiting and we look forward to seeing you soon!


The Employment Support Group is an outreach ministry, which supports participants in all aspects of employment — where you are now and where you want to be in your career. At our monthly meetings, we discuss topics of interest such as strategies for job searches, review of resumes and cover letters, and networking techniques. Participants empower each other by sharing their experiences and expertise. It is through this sharing that we are modeled on Ignatian Spirituality. When appropriate, tip sheets provide a springboard for the group’s discussions and serve as a resource for participants between meetings. Our ministry is not just for those looking for a job; we encourage attendees who are currently working to come and relate their experiences in finding a job. We also share valuable job leads and other helpful information periodically to our email list of over 70 members including parishioners, non-parishioners, Catholics, and those of other faiths. For more information, please contact Katherine at krcoff5th@netzero.com
The St. Francis Xavier Environment Ministry promotes care for God’s creation – the human community as well as animal and plant life – through environmental education, advocacy, and sustainability projects.
Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ declares a responsibility to care for “our common home” and to realize our oneness with climate, the creatures of the earth, and our moral use of it. Because of human degradation of nature, he declares it is now an aspect of social justice. We at St Francis Xavier engage in prayer and action to address environmental justice, pollution prevention, species preservation and the exploration of new technologies for clean energy. As individual parishioners and a parish community, we educate one another and model sustainable living practices, offering hope and inspiration to others.
During Pentecost 2023, the parish adopted a 3-year climate action plan for Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Read about the commitments and progress in “Greening our Parish, Enriching Our Lives” here.
Recent education programs include an environmental film series and special guest speakers. Advocacy efforts include organized campaigns to contact elected officials about pending environmental legislation at the federal, state and New York City levels. As a group, we participate in environmental rallies. As a parish, we actively celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and the Season of Creation (Sept 1-Oct 4). See the parish calendar for related events throughout the year.
We partner with Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement, a chapter of Global Catholic Climate Movement, Catholic Climate Covenant, GreenFaith and Interfaith Power and Light. We also work with our brothers and sisters of other faith traditions to collectively raise our voices for our common concerns.
Join us:SFXEnvironmentMinistry@gmail.com